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Hi  if you would like to make physical gameboy carts , let me know, i do this for a living. Id be more than happy to work with you. We can work togheter and be partners . I have a shop on etsy and i would love to sell this game for you. I have my own  high quality 5V circuitry .

Get back to me if you are interested, i can give you a cut everytime i sell one. 

Heres my email address

Once i have multiple developers working with me i will create a website to make this even more official and to push more sales

thanks for your time and let me know if you have any questions


Hello. Thank you very much, I already work with, and if I release more games, I will cooperate with them, but you are very kind, thank you for your offer. In all cases, my games are released free of charge, there is no earning from them, because they are mainly reproductions of other creators.

Deleted 1 year ago

I died a couple of times, before I figured out you have to bounce the egg out on the upper end :) Could have read the text first I guess... :D

This is exactly what I wanted to write about why I write text for games. :)