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Hi there! I was wondering how you made this on GB-Studio...did you create a shoot em' up game? I tried to replicate the same automatic downward movement but for some reason I'm having issues with the player stopping before the bottom of the screen. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hello. Yes, I made it in the Shoot'em Up version, and the track size was 208x2040 pixels.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your help! Also, how were you able to display the timer at the bottom of the screen? Additionally, how do you get the player to accelerate downward?

Hello. I would be very happy to share the source code of 2.0 with you if you want, but a lot of things are in Hungarian and it may not be understandable at first, but if you want, please write to and I will send it to you.

Great, I enjoyed this. I don’t think I played it on the C16, but I think I saw the cover. Love the snow effect on the start screen!

Thanks. The home screen had to be fooled around a bit because it was so nothing in the original. :)